Accelerated orthodontics

“Crooked teeth” or Malocclusion, affects 74% of adults. With crooked teeth, it’s often more difficult to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth.

If left untreated, there is an increased risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease. With advances in orthodontic technology, we now have the ability to straighten teeth in significantly less time.

Micro-Osteoperforation with Propel is:

  • Clinically proven safe and effective.
  • Doctor-performed in just a few minutes during your regularly scheduled office visit.
  • Can be used with braces or clear aligners.

Propel is a micro-invasive treatment that uses the micro-osteoperforations to stimulate the bone to remodel faster therefore “Excellerate” your tooth movement.

A Better Way Forward

Micro-Osteoperforation with Propel offers a straightforward solution to your orthodontic needs in just a few steps.

  1. Your doctor evaluates your orthodontic needs using x-ray.
  2. Before Propel, rinse twice with chlorhexidine, a disinfectant.
  3. Your doctor anesthetizes the area and applies Propel where needed.
  4. Your doctor discusses options for your next visit, and you can get back to your busy schedule!

Benefits of Micro-Osteoperforation with Propel

  • See faster results without added discomfort and inconvenience
  • Use Propel with any type of orthodontic appliance, whether braces or aligners.
  • Receive propel treatment during your regular office visit.
  • Save time with fewer office visits.
  • Forget surgery. Miro-Osteoperforation requires no recovery time.

It is important to avoid any non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAIDs) Such as Advil, or Aleve for 4 weeks after the treatment. NSAIDs have been shown to inhibit orthodontic Movements. Tylenol should control any minor discomfort.

Get in touch with us to begin your new smile today!